{ Dana · Bat Mitzvah · Long Beach, NY }

I had a wonderful time meeting the Spira family & photographing their first Bat Mitzvah party!!! Before I go any further, allow me to give credit where it is due; thank you Jacob from Heavenly Events for recommending & hiring me for this incredible job. It's wonderful to be on the receiving end of professional referrals. Back to the party details! The party was right off the beach and the zen , easy going energy at the party was a perfect match for the intended vibe! Dana was an absolutely beautiful Bat Mitzvah girl, both inside & out!! She was a natural for my camera and my camera loved her back! The love felt and offered by each member of Dana's family was so apparent and it translated into all of the photos. Mazal Tov to Dana and family!  <3

Venue: Allegria Hotel · Long Beach

 Decor: Heavenly Events 

Video:  BSD Films

Hair: Harvey's Place

Makeup: Danielle Amar

Dress: Zoe LTD

DJ: Faks Productions

Photo: ChanaBlumesPhoto